IT Global Training.
Course Duration: One month- Total of 25 hours (Weekly 5 classes of one hour)
Course content
Objectives of Training
Outcome of Training
Provide minds-on and hands-on training
Understand JavaScript and its applications
Learn concepts of web programming using HTML,CSS and Java Script
Enhance logical thinking and reasoning
Learn the concept of physics such as force,friction,velocity,gravitation and animation
Learn the concept of geometry
Design and build five games
Trainees should be able to independently develop a sample webpage
Trainees should be able to apply the concepts of physics and geometry to build games
Apply the concept of programming to build a game
Modules 1 – Basics of Web Application Development
Introduction to web design and application development
Installation of Sublime text
Basics of HTML programming
HTML Elements
HTML Forms
Basics of CSS programming
Style attributes – Color,Font,Image,etc
Internal, Inline and external styling
Introduction to responsive web design
Basics of Java script programming
Building blocks – variables,operators,conditional statements, loops,functions
Sample programs and assignment
Module 2 –p5.js
Introduction to p5.js
What,Why and How of p5.js
Build sample geometry using p5.js
Concept of animation
Build a sample ping-pong game
Build a snake game
Build a angry bird game
Module 3 – Build game using
Introduction to
Block,loop and conditional statements
Coding using multimedia (sound,video and images)
Build a surprise game 4 from scratch
Build a surprise game 5 from scratch
Class 20
Class 21
Class 22
Scrum Release Planning